I recently came across an article titled, “The Practical Psychology of Conversion” and I thought it had some great points to remember when designing a web page. Here are a few highlights.
In design and implementation of a call to action, everything from contrast, clickability and placement to directional cues affect buyer behavior.
Some of the recommended action copy to use to convert:
- “Get” something vs. “Buy” or “Download” or “submit”
- one of my favorites: “Get the thing” (this was the button text to buy Louis C.K. tickets on his website)
- “Add to cart” vs. “Buy Now”
- Start
- Begin
- Find
- Become
- Learn
- Receive
- Launch
- Achieve
- and of course, a healthy use of Free
In fact, the 5 most persuasive words in the English language are:
- You
- Free
- Because
- Instantly
- New