I think it is always good to try out different ideas when working on a project. I know that time does not always allow for exploration of several options. But I often find that by playing with a few different ideas, a good concept emerges that you did not expect.
If you are tied too strongly to one design, this expansion of ideas in to something better might not happen. So I encourage you to take some time to always try out different design ideas and layouts and see where the journey takes you. It is often surprising that the first idea you come up with, and the one that you thought was “perfect,” might not actually be the best. Play around with design a bit. That’s what makes it fun!
Here are some examples of me trying out different ideas of a page on a mobile website. Though they have the same content, the execution of the design varies quite a bit. Which design do you think is the most effective? How would you improve them? I am always happy to receive constructive and helpful feedback.
http://gluteninbeer.blogspot.com table which compares the tests results of beers that have been tested so far
I am working on my coding skills a bit by creating this comparison table for the website Gluteninbeer. Like the name suggests, this blog focuses on the gluten level of beers. The interest here is not gluten-free beer. Nope. The site tests the gluten levels in popular and commercial beers that are not considered gluten free. I work with my partner to create the branding and content.
In this instance, aside from creating the logo and branding, I also coded up this handy little chart. After receiving multiple requests from our readers to create a summary chart, we decided to do so. The table breaks down the beer tests results so for. It is a quick comparison of which beers are safer or not safe at all for people with a gluten intolerance. Please note that this site does claim that these beers are safe for celiacs. The members of gluteninbeer.blogspot.com are just testing the gluten levels in beer for their own personal interest and consumption.
Jennifer Blatz explores the world of UX through words and imagery