I am so excited to report that I have reached a huge milestone. I have accumulated 700 Twitter followers. I feel so honored and humbled to have even one follower, let alone 700.
Twitter has become a great avenue for me to stay on top of the latest news in UX, and to share that with the broader UX community. I have to admit, when I first started on Twitter, I thought it was lame. I thought, “I don’t care about what people had for breakfast.” “I don’t care how long they had to stand in line to get their stupid Starbucks coffee.” Now I understand that i you follow the right people, Twitter is a very valuable resource.
Granted, I understand how volatile Twitter can be. You can read this blog and then go on to my Twitter account and it has dipped below 700. I know this can happen at any moment. But my larger hope it so keep this grand number of followers (Wow, 700!) and continue to expand it in the future.
For me, it’s not just a vanity number. I’d be kidding myself to not feel excited and honored to have any followers. But it is as much about being part of a great UX community. And this community expand the world. I feel honored to learn from people all over the globe from who I follow. And I hope to expand my network as well.
If you would like to follow me on Twitter too, find me at jnblatz on Twitter. Thanks.
P.S How cute is that dog in the image? Yep, I am a dog lover. He’s a cutey patutey!!