Wireframes are not for everyone. I understand there might not be time to create wireframes. Some people don’t see the value of this middle step. “Just sketch out some ideas. Once you like something just code it up.” Others may not have it in the budget to create some deliverables.
Wireframes can be created in a variety of programs. I chose Adobe Illustrator to create these first drafts of the dashboard.
I have to admit, I am guilty of not always creating wireframes. To me, they can be a luxury. There are times I don’t really have the time or the patience to go beyond sketches (if I have even created those) to going to the middle step of creating wireframes.
I strongly suggest that if you do have the time, and the budget, that you should make the effort to create some static wireframes. Here are a few advantages of creating wireframes:
Get the concepts out of your head and on to a page/layout
Visualize how your designs might work
Get early feedback on your designs before it goes in to code
Allow for quick changes before too committed to design
Facilitate discussion across the team and with stakeholders
Provides clarity for communication
For developers to understand the functionality of the site
To show the information architecture and navigation structure of websites
Cost-effective level of fidelity for quick changes
I have taken on a new task. I am challenging myself to keep a little notebook of items I learn for 100 days. The toughest thing will be remembering to enter an item every day. I sure hope I don’t miss a day. But if I do, then I will force myself to carry one until I get all 100 days — or until my notebook gets full. Whichever happens first. I encourage you to take the same challenge. Maybe it’s a notebook of doodles, or a notebook of learning a new word every day. Encourage yourself to take a moment every day to learn.
I am honored and humbled to say that I have reached a milestone for myself. I have earned the following of over 300 people. Now, I know that could fall back below 300 at any time. You know how it goes…. But I am going to enjoy the moment even if it doesn’t last forever.
Do you want to follow me too? I would be ever so delighted. You can join the fun at https://twitter.com/jnblatz. Come over and say “Hi.” Let’s have a conversation and maybe learn a bit from each other.
Sometimes small accomplishments can bring big joy to a person. Be proud of your accomplishments and keep on going.
300 Followers! Yay!! Thank you!!!
Jennifer Blatz explores the world of UX through words and imagery